Sj created this task.
Sj added projects: Wikidata-Query-Service, Wikidata Analytics.
Restricted Application added a subscriber: Aklapper.

  **Feature summary** (what you would like to be able to do and where):
  Currently, the WDQS update process is mostly decoupled from the backend. It 
produces a stream of RDF updates that is backend independent, and has a thin 
Blazegraph-specific adapter to load the data into Blazegraph.
  From a description of Wikidata dumps and resources, it would be useful to 
have a link to such an update stream, updated in near-real time.
  Guillaume Lederrey wrote: 
  "//That data stream isn't exposed publicly. There are a few tricky part about 
the stream needing to be synchronized with a specific Wikidata dump that makes 
it not entirely trivial to reuse... But if there is enough interest, we could 
potentially work on making that stream public.//"
  **Use case(s)** (list the steps that you performed to discover that problem, 
and describe the actual underlying problem which you want to solve. Do not 
describe only a solution):
  This would enable 3rd-party WDQS mirrors to maintain near-real-time updates 
of their own query services, on a variety of backends.
  **Benefits** (why should this be implemented?):
  This would enable a community federation of data mirrors, which could support 
a higher query load, and be robust to downtime of any of its members.
  It would also pave the way to discussing a future FR making that federation 
more visible to queriers: From a WDQS UI, an advanced option could let one 
choose one's data backend, or for the interface to suggest appropriate backends 
if your query can't be resolved on / uses non-standard features not available 
on / keeps timing out on the currently chosen backend].



To: Sj
Cc: Aklapper, Sj, AWesterinen, MPhamWMF, CBogen, Namenlos314, Gq86, 
Lucas_Werkmeister_WMDE, GoranSMilovanovic, EBjune, merbst, Jonas, Xmlizer, 
jkroll, Wikidata-bugs, Jdouglas, aude, Tobias1984, Manybubbles
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