daniel added a comment.

@Smalyshev mentioned that Blazegraph has a rewrite mechanism we could use to 
resolve redirects when processing updates and queries. That works when we know 
that A redirects to B (we have <A> owl:same <B>). Problems arise when a 
redirect is created or undone, that is, when <A> owl:same <B> is added or 
removed from the database:

When <A> owl:same <B> is added, we have to replace all occurrences of <A> in 
the graph with <B>:

  ?s  ?p  <A>   becomes   ?s  ?p  <B>
  ?s  <A>  ?o   becomes   ?s  <B>  ?o
  <A>  ?p  ?o   becomes   <B>  ?p  ?o

But when <A> owl:same <B> is removed, we'd have to revert only //some// 
occurrences of <B> back to <A>, namely the ones that still reference A in the 
primary dataset on Wikidata. We'd need a way to find these.

Maybe named graphs could be used to solve this? When replacing <A> with <B>, 
we'd copy the original triple to a secondary graph <R> (R for "redirect"; and 
let's call the default graph <Q> for "query"):

  ?s  ?p  <A>  <Q>   becomes   ?s  ?p  <B>  <Q>   and   ?s  ?p  <A>  <R> 
  ?s  <A>  ?o  <Q>   becomes   ?s  <B>  ?o  <Q>   and   ?s  <A>  ?o  <R>
  <A>  ?p  ?o  <Q>   becomes   <B>  ?p  ?o  <Q>   and   <A>  ?p  ?o  <R>

We can then undo a redirect by copying the redirects backed up in the <R> graph 
back into the <Q> graph.

All this has to be done for all URIs derived from the redirected entity ID, not 
just the concept URI.


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To: daniel
Cc: Denny, mkroetzsch, Lydia_Pintscher, M.schmidt00, Beebs.systap, Haasepeter, 
Thompsonbry.systap, Thompsonbry, daniel, Manybubbles, Aklapper, Smalyshev, 
jkroll, Wikidata-bugs, Jdouglas, aude, GWicke, JanZerebecki

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