Nikki added a comment.

  In T303677#9035100 <>, 
@tfmorris wrote:
  > I'm surprised that this hasn't received any attention in 15 months. As an 
update to @Nikki 's numbers <> 
there are now on the order of 2.5 **BILLION** of these bot generated 
descriptions. The top 5 alone represent over 2 billion triples. That's a huge 
waste of resources!
  What exactly are you counting? (You don't seem to be counting the same thing 
as me, so they can't be directly compared)
  I tried redoing my queries (and saved the URLs this time...):
  | Item                                                                        
      | Matching descriptions (March 2022) | Matching descriptions (August 
2023) |                                                                         
  | chemical compound (Q11173) <>           
      | 22,436,766                         | 38,777,020                         
 | QLever <>                   
  | encyclopedia article (Q13433827) <>  
      | 9,877,236                          | 10,056,470                         
 | QLever <>                   
  | galaxy (Q318) <>                          
      | 14,615,397                         | 16,149,120                         
 | QLever <>                   
  | protein (Q8054) <>                       
      | 1,116,867                          | 1,155,777                          
 | QLever <>                   
  | scholarly article (Q13442814) <>     
      | 778,351,557                        | 813,567,636                        
 | query 
  | star (Q523) <>                            
      | 943,976                            | 1,179,311                          
 | QLever <>                   
  | Unicode character (Q29654788) <>     
      | 594,869                            | 1,264,561                          
 | QLever <>                   
  | Wikimedia category (Q4167836) <>      
      | 495,506,461                        | 471,340,460                        
 | QLever <>                   
  | Wikimedia disambiguation page (Q4167410) 
<> | 77,473,195                         | 
78,644,158                          | QLever 
  | Wikimedia list article (Q13406463) 
<>      | 17,270,013                     
    | 17,383,921                          | QLever 
  | Wikimedia template (Q11266439) <>    
      | 67,869,856                         | 66,668,772                         
 | QLever <>                   
  | Wikinews article (Q17633526) <>      
      | 12,994,976                         | 12,854,826                         
 | QLever <>                   
  | family name (Q101352) <>               
      |                                    | 48,959,524                         
 | QLever <>                   
  | given name (Q202444) <>                
      |                                    | 207,184                            
 | QLever <>                   
  | female given name (Q11879590) <>     
      |                                    | 1,634,583                          
 | QLever <>                   
  | male given name (Q12308941) <>       
      |                                    | 2,793,746                          
 | ​QLever <>                  
  | unisex given name (Q3409032) <>       
      |                                    | 58,843                             
 | QLever <>                    
  Even QLever can't count the scholarly article descriptions, so I had to write 
a query to generate a query that counts each label separately.
  The number of descriptions matching the labels of the original 12 items went 
up by 30 million, which still rounds to 1.5 billion. Categories went down 24 
million (lots of merges?), but chemical compound went up 16 million and 
scholarly article went up 35 million.



To: Nikki
Cc: tfmorris, AndrewTavis_WMDE, Fuzheado, valerio.bozzolan, Lectrician1, 
waldyrious, Michael, DVrandecic, Bugreporter, Manuel, Nikki, Epidosis, 
Mahir256, Aklapper, Danny_Benjafield_WMDE, Astuthiodit_1, karapayneWMDE, 
Invadibot, maantietaja, ItamarWMDE, Akuckartz, Nandana, Lahi, Gq86, 
GoranSMilovanovic, QZanden, LawExplorer, _jensen, rosalieper, Scott_WUaS, 
Wikidata-bugs, aude, Lydia_Pintscher, Mbch331
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