Bene added a comment.

I agree with Thiemo that a fixed order defined in a central place (maybe even 
not on-wiki as a setting) is not a good idea. I like the idea of suggesting a 
position but I'm not sure on which data this suggestion should be based on? 
Having a fixed list defined for suggestions seems not as a good idea per the 
argument agains #1. As you mentioned property suggester, we might use the 
positioning on other items for such a suggestion but as there is no common 
order in place at the moment, we first have to order a bunch of items so that 
this would produce useful data.

What we might consider is a bot which runs **once** over all items and orders 
the statements but then lets the users decide if they want to change the order. 
This has to be dicussed with the community.

Another thing we should think about is ordering the statements by datatype. 
This makes sense for the identifier datatype (obviously) but also the other 
statements can be grouped by datatype.

A final aspect I have in mind is to recognize qualifiers for ordering. This 
applies for several statements for one property id, for example a list of 
presidents, where they should be ordered by start/end data. However, this 
should perhaps also be done by a bot rather than by Wikibase itself.



To: Bene
Cc: daniel, thiemowmde, Bene, Aklapper, Lydia_Pintscher, Wikidata-bugs, aude

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