daniel added a comment.

Showing edit summaries from the repo on the client is a bit complicated, 
especially since there already is a complex system for edit summaries on the 
client, it's just not based on the original summary.

Findings and ideas (may not work or need fiddeling):

1. Edit comments are currently not transferred to the client at all. A 
"comment" field exists in EntityChange metadata, but it's always empty.  We 
need to put the edit comment into the EntityChange sent to the clients:
  1. EntityChange: drop the $comment field, drop setComment, implement 
getComment based on getMetadata, plus the fallback logic from the old 
  2. EntityChange: Set 'comment' field in metadata in setMetadataFromRC; Set 
all metadata (including comment) in setRevisionInfo(); retain comment in 

2. We want to re-use the formatter code that turns the autocomment block 
generated by SummaryFormatter into localized, human readable text. So we want 
to factor formatting code out of RepoHooks:
  1. create an AutoCommentFormatter class (in lib). It turns .
  2. move code from RepoHooks::onFormat to AutoCommentFormatter.

3. On the client, ChangeHandler currently ignores the (currently empty) comment 
field from the incoming EntityChange. When creating a RecentChanges entry, 
ChangeHandler sets rc_comment to the empty string. RecentChanges stores the 
fields and metadata from the EntityChange in the 'wikibase-repo-change' RC 
attribute, which is handled by ExternaLRecentChange. However, the 'comment' and 
'composite-comment' fields are overwritten with the output of getEditComment() 
first. This is later picked up and processed by ExternalChangeFactory and 
ChangeLineFormatter. This should be changed so that ChangeHandler generates and 
stores human readable summaries in rc_comment, while preserving the original 
edit summary somewhere in the RC params:
  1. ExternalRecentChange::buildAttributes() should pass $attribs['comment'] to 
rc_comment (if set).
  2. ChangeHandler::getRCAttributes() should return 'wikibase-repo-change' => 
array_merge( $fields, $rcinfo ) with $fields and $rcinfo unchanged. 
$rcinfo['comment'] and $rcinfo['composite-comment'] should not be set.
  3. ChangeHandler::getRCAttributes() should separately return a value for the 
'comment' attribute, constructed by calling getEditComment( $change ); if there 
are multiple coalesced changes in $fields['info']['changes'], getEditComment( 
$change ) is called fro each of them, and the results combined using 
Language::semicolonList. If the result is too long (>250 char or so), add "... 
and N more changes" to the end.
  4. ChangeHandler::getRCAttributes() should drop the "instanceof ItemChange" 
  5. ChangeHandler::getEditComment() should always return a string, a human 
readable edit summary in the wiki's conent language. If the change is a 
sitelink change, the summary is generated by SiteLinkCommentCreator. Otherwise, 
it is generated by AutoCommentFormatter (which needs extra functionality to 
find and replace the autocomment block).
  6. Side note: investigate whether ExternalRecentChange really has to 
serialize //everything// into rc_params.

4. Currently, ExternalChangeFactory::extractComment transforms the array 
structure generated by the old ChangeHandler::getEditComment() into a slightly 
different array structure, which is then stored in the comment field of 
RevisionData, and interpreted by ChangeLineFormatter::formatComment 
(ExternalChangeFactory and RevisionData pretend the comment field is a string, 
but it's not, and ChangeLineFormatter actually requires it to be an array). We 
want ExternalChangeFactory to just pass on whatever ChangeHandler created; 
we'll leave it to ChangeLineFormatter to either just use rc_comment, or look at 
the original edit summary that is still present in the meta-data. Note that we 
have to preserve compatibility with older entries in the RC table for a while. 
  1. ExternalChangeFactory::newRevisionData should set the new RevisionData's 
comment field to $this->extractComment( $changeParams ) ?: 
$recentChange->getAttribute( 'rc_comment' ). Or the other way around?
  2. ExternalChangeFactory::extractComment() should now always return a string 
(or false). IIt should do nothing and return false (and/or should not be 
called) for the normal case now; it's just needed for backwards compat with old 
RC entries: if $changeParams['comment'] is set and is an array, or 
$changeParams['composite-comment'] exists or is an array, it should run the old 
logic, plus the old logic from ChangeLineFormatter::formatComment(), to create 
a human readable comment.
  3. ChangeLineFormatter::formatComment should be dropped; 
ChangeLineFormatter::format should assume that $rev->getComment() returns a 
human readable summary string.
  4. Side note: RevisionData should get a changeParams field, set to what 
ExternalChangeFactory::extractChangeData() returns. This provides 
ChangeLineFormatter with full access to the original edit summaries and other 
relevant information. This could be left for later if it's not needed right now.
  5. Side note: consider merging RevisionData and ExternalChange.

NOTE: the plans above assume that it's ok (for now) to have edit summaries in 
the client wiki's content language. For multilingual wikis, this isn't very 
nice, but it's consistent with other edit summaries there.



To: daniel
Cc: daniel, Lydia_Pintscher, aude, Wikidata-bugs, Liuxinyu970226, thiemowmde, 
Tobi_WMDE_SW, Krinkle, Aklapper, Malyacko, P.Copp

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