Smalyshev added a comment.

> The sitelinks are distinguishable by the URL (

URL is the different triple than the data, and matching URLs means that the 
client should maintain own database which says which Wiki URL matches which 
language and do pattern matching on the URL data. This does not sound to me 
like a good solution, both performance-wise and design-wise. This also couples 
two things (language and URL) which should not be coupled as they describe two 
different things. Since we have triple using schema:inLanguage and data using 
language tags, we should ensure those have right values, instead of relying on 
other information to fix wrong values there.

> en is also a standard language code.

True, but it does not adequately describes the data which refers to "Simple 
English", not just "English". Just as "nl" would not adequately describe data 
that refers to "nl-informal", etc. That would be loss of information, and we 
should avoid that when exporting data.

> When you change the language codes at the right position the RDF export gets 
> automatically the correct language codes.

So far I have seen no code that does such change and I do not feel comfortable 
starting a project for refactoring whole language handling in whole MediaWiki 
(which would be required if we just change `Site::getLanguageCode()`), when I 
just need a right language tag in RDF. If that refactoring ever happens and 
solves that particular problem, I would be glad to refactor this particular 
fix. But remaining without fix until an undefined moment that this happens does 
not sound like a good way to go for me.

> I think it is bad programming style to make several workarounds instead of 
> fixing the core problem.

If somebody volonteers to fix the core problem, I think that would be 
excellent. If not, as it has been evidently happening since 2012, I don't see 
what use it is to discuss a hypothetical fix that might have been instead of 
fixing the actual thing that needs to be fixed. Following this strategy would 
lead us only to discussing solving bigger and bigger global solutions in theory 
without actually getting a thing done in practice.



To: Smalyshev
Cc: Fomafix, gerritbot, Smalyshev, Aklapper, daniel, mkroetzsch, jkroll, 
Wikidata-bugs, Jdouglas, aude, Manybubbles, JanZerebecki, Malyacko, P.Copp

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