thiemowmde added a subscriber: thiemowmde.
thiemowmde added a comment.

@Tgr, we just talked about this in the team. T99895: article placeholder based 
on Wikidata data <> is about the 
situation where there is a Wikidata item but no article in the users language. 
The idea is to show the user - instead of a "nothing found" error message - a 
nice rendering of what we know about the topic and possibly help him starting a 
new article in his language.

This ticket here is, as far as I understand, about the situation where there is 
an article in the users language but no Wikidata description in that language. 
It seems this ticket is suggesting to extract an abstract from the existing 
article or auto-generate a description from the Wikidata statements. Our's team conclusion is that both 
is most probably a bad idea. For example, it gives the wrong impression that 
user contributions are not needed any more. It will create the conflicting 
situation of users deleting descriptions that happen to be identical to the 
auto-generated one, leaving third-party users of the data with nothing. 
@Lydia_Pintscher can explain this better, I think.



To: thiemowmde
Cc: thiemowmde, Lydia_Pintscher, Tgr, Deskana, bearND, Dbrant, Aklapper, 
Cxyshine, Wikidata-bugs, aude, Matanya, Malyacko

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