Nikki created this task.
Nikki added a subscriber: Nikki.
Nikki added a project: Wikidata.
Herald added a subscriber: Aklapper.

  Since early August, I've been having problems with gadgets and the parts of 
my common.js not working properly on the first load of a page. It only seems to 
affect things which touch the statements section of the page. Before things 
suddenly broke in August, I had never ever had a problem, all the gadgets I 
used and all the stuff in my common.js worked fine every single time.
  The most noticeable effect I'm aware of is that if you use a script for 
sorting statements (not an official gadget, User:Soulkeeper/statementSort.js 
seems to be the most common), the pages often end up a complete mess until you 
refresh, as I described on
  When I have statement sorting enabled, I have to refresh the page on almost 
every item I load to get it to load properly (and it almost always loads 
perfectly fine after a refresh).
  I tried disabling statement sorting but I still have problems, just not quite 
as obvious. For example, I have a very simple bit of code in my common.js which 
makes "0 references" red and if I click "Random item" a few times, sometimes "0 
references" turns red, sometimes it doesn't (as with statement sorting, 
refreshing almost always fixes it). I have the DuplicateReferences gadget 
enabled too and the same thing happens there, sometimes it loads, sometimes it 
doesn't and refreshing almost always fixes it.
  I've occasionally had problems with the AuthorityControl gadget not creating 
links properly. It seems to be behaving right now for me, but I have seen 
people asking where the links went, e.g.
 and - 
I can't say for sure if they're having the same problem as me, but it's 
  I don't use DraggableSitelinks, but the discussion on 
suggests it also broke at the same time.



To: Nikki
Cc: Aklapper, Nikki, Wikidata-bugs, aude

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