daniel added a comment.

In https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T118860#1818705, @JeroenDeDauw wrote:

> I find this approach very odd, do not understand why it would be a good idea, 
> and am generally quite worried about it.
> My main concern is pretty much described by the first paragraph of 
> @mkroetzsch his first post. I've read through the replies, though found the 
> reasoning in there to generally be either besides the point, or lacking 
> actual depth such as "I did something like this before and it did not work 
> well".
> As I've pointed out before, it makes no sense to me starting to discuss this 
> on the premise we need one global solution for this. Looking at individual 
> problems we need to solve and what the best solution is for those seems like 
> a much better approach. Similarly, the need for deferred deserialization has 
> not been demonstrated to me. I can see how it can be helpful in theory, 
> though am missing the concrete places of where this would be, and why for 
> each of those cases the deffered approach is best. "Trust me, I already 
> thought about it, and came to this conclusion, no need to re-examine it" is 
> not an acceptable starting point if you want me to reason up from it.
> A second concern I have is a combination of this approach ticking off several 
> design warning boxes and me not having seen anything in this direction used 
> or justified for a usecase like this anywhere. That by itself does not mean 
> the approach is bad, though it certainly adds to my worry.
> >> That looks to me like a fancier and less understandable way of just having 
> >> an additionalData hash on each data model object. Did I miss something?
> > 
> > The names would be arbitrary, but it can be made type safe. My idea was to 
> > use getRoleObject( $name, $type = null ) to perform an optional check 
> > against $type.
> This saves the caller from writing an if check, at the cost of passing a type 
> as string and having the role manager do the check? I think that's a bad 
> trade-off, and certainly not big enough of a good thing to warrant the 
> additional complexity proposed here.
> > (representing all data in a dumb model before generating output was 
> > suggested by two external reviews)
> Those reviewers talked about having a response model that you can give to a 
> presenter. That is very different from that you are proposing here.
> > where the cross-dependencies have kept us from splitting serialization code 
> > into a separate component for a long time
> Huh? Splitting off the serialization code was not very hard, and not delayed 
> by needing services such as those Markus talks about.
> >> When things have a conceptual dependency, it is not bad design to have a 
> >> code dependency there as well.
> > 
> > I agree, but that dependency should be as narrow as possible. That's why 
> > "Read Models" exist.
> I utterly do not understand your reply to Markus here. What do read models 
> have to do with what he wrote?
> > WikidataQuality has no place to put constraint violation info on Statements
> What makes you think it's a good idea for an extension that adds a new 
> concept to glue it onto an object from a different context?
> PS: I do not think it is a good idea to start a discussion on if a particular 
> pattern is suitable for ones usecase by listing a bunch of big names that 
> have used the pattern in the past. Appeal to authority.



To: daniel
Cc: mkroetzsch, adrianheine, hoo, thiemowmde, aude, Jonas, JanZerebecki, 
JeroenDeDauw, Aklapper, StudiesWorld, daniel, Wikidata-bugs, Mbch331

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