thiemowmde added a comment.

Arguments for the ongoing filenames vs. IDs discussion:

- Outside of Commons, the only identifier to reference a file is the filename.
  - Do we want this to change? Do we want to provide an alternative? We have 
the chance to do so. Files currently don't have an internal identifier. Imagine 
`` as a guaranteed, permanent link 
to each file.
  - The file description page does have an id, but is it sensible to reuse it?
- Users change filenames a lot:
  - Thousands of users have the right to rename files:
  - Some of the reasons to rename files will become less important when 
everything we want to do will work some day (e.g. when the search does have 
enough information to find a file and the actual filename is not that important 
any more). But this needs time and will most probably not stop users from 
renaming files for consistency.
  - We must take care that a media item moves with the file and the description 
page, when a file is renamed. Redirects must work and what not. We must do this 
no matter what. But how ugly will this code be? Is it more or less ugly with 
numeric ids?

Overall: What will cause less trouble, for all users combined?



To: thiemowmde
Cc: Bene, Ricordisamoa, Aklapper, adrianheine, GPHemsley, thiemowmde, 
JeroenDeDauw, JanZerebecki, aude, Lydia_Pintscher, daniel, hoo, Izno, 
Wikidata-bugs, Mbch331

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