Izno added a subscriber: Izno.
Izno added a comment.

In https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T126510#2017982, @Lydia_Pintscher wrote:

> Before we do add the ability to add more I'd like to see an analysis of how 
> often the following case actually happens: I want to add a 
> label/description/alias for a language that I have not set as my babel 
> language, isn't my browser language, isn't inferred based on location and 
> doesn't at least have one entry already. My gut feeling this case is very 
> rare and I'd like to avoid adding more creep to the user interface it in this 
> case.

I //regularly// bump into this case, mostly when cleaning interwikis. I may 
move one link to another page based on e.g. Google Translate, or leave a link 
behind, and I want to clean up any remaining languages which may have content 
in them to indicate the different title.



To: Izno
Cc: Izno, Lydia_Pintscher, Mbch331, Aklapper, matej_suchanek, StudiesWorld, 
Wikidata-bugs, aude

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