thiemowmde added a comment.

I vote for mutability. All provider interfaces (including the existing 
`FingerprintProvider` and possibly more) should guarantee they do nothing but 
returning what they have. If an implementation can not simply return an Object 
as it is but has to construct it whenever the getter is called, it should not 
use this interface. It should not be a requirement that a getter must do 
expensive cloning before returning anything. This should be a separate thing, 
which we just recently discussed, see This also caused trouble in, see and much more 
patches there.

From my point of view this was one of the top reasons why we introduced 
"trivial" array wrappers like StatementList and so on. You can do …

  $fingerprint = $item->getFingerprint();
  $fingerprint->setLabel( … );

… and be fine. This is not possible with arrays. A user calling a setter like 
in the example above should not be enforced to call an other setter. This feels 
like calling `setForReal()`. I find this confusing and can tell from experience 
that this is error-prone.

- I consider calling `setFingerprint` a mistake in all cases. We do have some 
calls to this method in our code base because we had somewhat "broken" versions 
of that returned a 
`new Fingerprint` in `getFingerprint`. All these setters should be removed.
- I consider type hints against a `…Holder` interface a mistake and code smell 
when no setter is called.
- We currently "misuse" `setStatements( new StatementsList() )` to remove all 
statements from an entity. This can easily be solved by introducing 



To: thiemowmde
Cc: adrianheine, daniel, JeroenDeDauw, thiemowmde, Aklapper, Bene, 
StudiesWorld, Izno, Luke081515, Wikidata-bugs, aude, Mbch331

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