mkroetzsch added a comment.

  Re parsing strings: You are skipping the first step here. The question is not 
which format is better for advanced interpretation, but which format is 
specified at all. Whatever your proposal is, I have not seen any //syntactic// 
description of if yet. If -- in addition to having a specified syntax -- it can 
also be parsed for more complex features, that's a nice capability. But let's 
maybe start by saying what the proposed "structured data" format actually is.
  Re multilingual text: There is nothing controversial about the technical 
aspects you refer to. One could make all complex datatypes we have into items 
and only use primitive datatypes instead. There are many reasons against this, 
so we decided to have datatypes instead for representing complex value objects.
  It is a pity that you are not trying to explain what you propose but focus on 
attacking current proposals instead (how Wikidata editors store chemical 
formulas now, how the multilingual text datatype was planned). Since you are 
not providing much details, I have now also reviewed the gerrit patch. There is 
nothing in there that would enable you to search for "the nucleon masses of 
atoms which co-occur with at least 6 carbon atoms". The input text is simply 
sent to a LaTeX formatter like mathematical markup. There is no semantic 
interpretation or structured data there at all. There is also no syntax 
specification in this part of the code, so it seems the specification is 
"whatever the current version of MediaWiki does with text in ce-tags". All the 
doubts I raised in my first post remain valid.



To: mkroetzsch
Cc: ArthurPSmith, mkroetzsch, Chemical-Markup, gerritbot, daniel, 
Lydia_Pintscher, Aklapper, Physikerwelt, Izno, Wikidata-bugs, Prod, aude, 
fredw, Pkra, scfc, Mbch331, Ltrlg

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