Lea_Lacroix_WMDE added a comment.

Hello @GerardM,

I transmit below the answer from the demander, MPF (who can't answer on Phabricator for technical reasons:

"American (en-us) is absolutely not the same as standard English (en). To say so is disgusting cultural imperialism, and highly objectional and insulting to English people; as such it is wholly contrary to the ethos and standards of wikis. The language name and code must follow the original language, i.e., English (en) is the language of English people in England, and not the often very different variant spoken in USA. Compare for example Portuguese (pt), which is used for the original European Portuguese (10.5 million speakers), while Brazilian Portuguese is pt-br despite its much greater population size (200 million) - a very comparable case to en and en-us.

As with the example cited earlier by Fralambert for fr-ca, many plants and animals have different names in English and American, and to insist that the standard English name is the American name - and that the actual English name is therefore incorrect - is highly insulting to English people.

To have an 'en-gb' is also inaccurate, as - although generally extremely similar - there are slight differences between English English, and Scottish English, Welsh English, Manx English, etc."



To: Lea_Lacroix_WMDE
Cc: Lea_Lacroix_WMDE, MF-Warburg, VIGNERON, Esc3300, Lydia_Pintscher, GerardM, Fralambert, Aklapper, D3r1ck01, Izno, Wikidata-bugs, aude, Mbch331
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