Jan_Dittrich added a comment.

Notes from the frontend-standardization group meeting (22.Feb '17) , where we discussed the issue:

Notes by Jan Dittrich


  • Seemingly consensus for using a Single-Shared-State like Redux.


  • No Single Shared State, self-build MVC: Is what Visual editor does. Only briefly mentioned.
  • Single-Shared-State + OOUI: was tried, results seem to be mixed. It works, but it seems to have been a bit tedious since it requires "manual" checking what should be updated and what not (that seems to be the reason why vue/react have virtual DOM diffing!). Here is a small codepen: http://codepen.io/j4n/pen/
  • Single-Shared-State + Vue: Vue is said to be easier to understand and to code than react (subjective)
  • Single-Shared-State + …React-like: There are other, more react-like libs. The advantage over vue is that there is a ecosystem of things that work like react, thus reducing the dependency to one lib.

So, the React-y way that would make sense would be:

  • Using a single shared state like Redux (or a API compatible)
  • Using a react like lib
  • Using HTML-like templates which compile to the pretty standard JSX

Thus, we would use 3 layers, each being fairly clear cut. All having an established API and each being swappable in case our solution comes out of favor.

Or going with vue which has less of an ecosystem of vue/vuex compatible libraries but is well liked for being clean and dev and designer friendly – if if it gains momentum in the Mediwiki-ecosystem it would be balanced out by this (Still, vue/react are fairly similar, so swapping them would need rewrites, but the concepts would stay)



To: Jan_Dittrich
Cc: Milimetric, Prtksxna, Fjalapeno, phuedx, Jdlrobson, siddharth11, Capt_Swing, TheDJ, Jdforrester-WMF, SBisson, WMDE-leszek, Volker_E, Krinkle, gabriel-wmde, Jonas, thiemowmde, Lydia_Pintscher, Jan_Dittrich, Jhernandez, Jdrewniak, Aklapper, SamanthaNguyen, JGirault, D3r1ck01, Izno, Wikidata-bugs, aude, Mbch331, Jay8g
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