Yair_rand added a comment.

I don't think that setting time zones should be unavailable simply because many dates won't have the data available.

Time zone data is necessary to be able to put events in proper chronological order, or to determine lengths of time between events. Without time zones, some dates may be ambiguous because of lack of clarity of the "local" time of the event in question, which may not be in a single location. (For example, the WW2 Pacific War began on December 7 in some time zones (as reflected in the English Wikipedia and some others), and December 8 in Asia/West-Pacific time zones (as reflected in the Japanese Wikipedia).) It is practically impossible to automatically determine a historical time zone from a location and date.

I recommend having the timezone parameter default to unspecified, and allow editors to add time zones where applicable.



To: Yair_rand
Cc: Yair_rand, Liuxinyu970226, Pasleim, Aklapper, Jc3s5h, GoranSMilovanovic, Ivana_Isadora, QZanden, Izno, Wikidata-bugs, aude, JeroenDeDauw, Mbch331, Jay8g
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