daniel added a comment.

Order by grammatical feature (but how? Is that like "adverbs" are before "adjectives"? Will there be a table for the order somewhere?)

"adverb" and "adjective" are not grammatical feature, they are lexical categories. Grammatical features would be "2nd person" + "plural" + "simple past" + "progressive". There are conventions for that kind of sorting (e.g. singular before plural, 1st person before 2.d person, present before past, etc). But writing down these rules for all languages is going to be complicated. Also, this means that the order of the features would be significant, so we would have to first apply a sorting for the features of each Form ("numerus first, person second, tense third", etc), before sorting the Forms based on comparison of their grammatical features.

I believe this kind of ordering is what people expect. In terms of code, it's a bit complicated, but not horrible. In terms of maintaining the sorting rules on wiki... I have no idea how to make that nice.



To: daniel
Cc: Lydia_Pintscher, daniel, Aklapper, Jan_Dittrich, Cinemantique, GoranSMilovanovic, QZanden, Izno, Wikidata-bugs, aude, Darkdadaah, Mbch331
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