Zeko added a comment.

Include a field on the term edit screen (e.g. Posts > Tags > [Tag] > Edit). There is a term meta API for this in WordPress (see add_term_meta())

This is really nice to know and will save a lot of work =)

My feeling is that many site owners would find that to be undesirable - taking people away from their site to a page that might not necessarily add more to their experience. The average user is unlikely to care much for that wikidata page :)

That is something that worried me off, that could be a little intrussive

I'm not sure we can avoid the manual effort that requires of the user without interrupting the save post flow, which could be frustrating.

But what if the user has already set the associations? He can just focus on his post and forget them, that is the point of the setup page, however we could add some kind of setup during the edition of posts for new tags. Anyway I don't know how frequent is to add new tags ior how many of them can be added in a row.

The code up to this time is at https://github.com/zeko3991/Wikidata-references that is NOT the official repository. Later on I will upload to an official repository of the University of Zaragoza.

Don't freak out if you see strange things in the code, I'm quite new at wordpress developing and still have to try trivial things to see how it works =) everything will be clean at the end.

Also I'd want to insist about the license topic I asked before.

Thank you!



To: Zeko
Cc: Philipjohn21, Liuxinyu970226, Samwilson, Mbch331, Framawiki, DanBri, Esh77, Lydia_Pintscher, abian, Tramullas, Zeko, Aklapper, Pigsonthewing, Zppix, GoranSMilovanovic, QZanden, Psychoslave, Wikidata-bugs, aude
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