Zeko reopened this task as "Open".
Zeko added a comment.

  • The set up page feels unnecessary for a number of reasons;
    • Using the term meta API to add fields to the term edit screen is the correct way to add this kind of feature in WordPress
    • The setup screen really just duplicates that functionality, with no real benefit when the user can easily use the term edit screen instead

I think that is what I really needed to know, it really helps, thank you.

  • That setup page will quickly get out of hand. Any site with more than a small number of terms will find that page either incredibly slow to load, or it will completely break under the weight of terms
  • It's adding a huge amount of bloat by including Bootstrap and not following core WordPress design principles

Shame on me

  • In https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T138371 you mentioned that "Of course, if option is not activated, plugin will delete all data it added." - I'm not entirely sure of the meaning but I would encourage any deletion of data to be explicitly chosen by the user with a double confirmation to avoid accidentally wiping out all the effort of adding Wikidata IDs

Not sure of that! for the moment, I store that as plugin options, -what I now see it's a terrible Idea- so it just deleted them from the database as metadata associated to each term. So if option was unchecked, it simply deleted the metadata the plugin added.

  • Looks like you've used a template to create the initial plugin framework - those often add lots of unnecessary files so I'd encourage you to do a cleanup when you're nearing completion to remove anything that isn't strictly necessary and also to ensure the comments are all relevant :)

As I have been developing for wordpress I've been realizing that =/ I will clean that mess up, I promise!

Give me a shout when you're nearing completion and I'll do a full code review too. Looks like there's still a bunch of debugging going on in there so I'll leave you to that :)

Sure! =)

One thing that might work instead of the options page to help folks is a "suggestion" screen where the plugin shows one tag at a time and returns a list of wikidata items that might be relevant. The user could choose to associate one of them, or skip to the next tag.

This would be a nice way to work through each tag but at a comfortable pace over time and in a way that will scale well.

Don't really how to do this, but I will try to.

That really helped, thank you! =)



To: Zeko
Cc: Zppix, Pigsonthewing, Aklapper, Tramullas, abian, Lydia_Pintscher, Esh77, DanBri, Framawiki, Mbch331, Samwilson, Philipjohn21, Zeko, Lahi, GoranSMilovanovic, Soteriaspace, Jayprakash12345, JakeTheDeveloper, QZanden, Zoranzoki21, Psychoslave, Wikidata-bugs, aude, TheDJ
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