On 10/2/13 1:09 PM, Daniel Kinzler wrote:
Am 02.10.2013 17:00, schrieb Kingsley Idehen:

When will the fixed data be generated and published?
October 14, if all goes well.

-- daniel

Wikidata-l mailing list


Note, cross references in DBpedia won't change following your fix. What will emerge, as a result of these fixes, is the ability to demonstrate the power of owl:sameAs inference [1], at Web-scale, using Linked Data from the DBpedia and Wikidata data spaces on the Web :-)

[1] http://bit.ly/19pgtiP -- post about DBpedia and Wikidata cross references that's missing a typical live demonstration link re. full implications of owl:sameAs relations based reasoning and inference .



Kingsley Idehen 
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