Hi Katie,

Op 4-10-2013 23:29, Katie Filbert schreef:
As many folks enjoy country rankings, I have generated a list of countries (Property:P17) ranked by number of coordinates (P625) in Wikidata. Note this data is from the September 22 database dump.
Did you consider doing this as a query on the live database on Tool*?
You have a page for an item with coordinates.
* Join this page against pagelinks for P625 (coordinate location)
* Join this page against pagelinks for P17 (country)
* Join this page against pagelinks for countrypage
* Join countrypage aginst pagelinks for Q6256 (country) or Q1763527 (constituent country)

Group it by country and do some ordering.

We do seem to have quite a few items where country is missing, see[625]_AND_noclaim[17]_AND_noclaim[31] . We should probably work on that too.

I was wondering how many articles do have coordinates at the Dutch Wikipedia, but not at Wikidata. For that I created a tracker category, see https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Categorie:Wikipedia:Co%C3%B6rdinaten_niet_op_Wikidata . We could probably do some LUA magic to compare coordinates in Wikidata with local coordinates and see how far these are apart. Did anyone already build something in LUA that might be reused for this?

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