
I'm looking for a way to reproduce the autocomplete on wikidata search
field in an external app (to tag resources with wikidata entities ids),
but so far I couldn't find what could allow me to do this in the API doc.
In a little experiment
<https://github.com/maxlath/wikidata-autocomplete>, I tried to use the
API action /wbsearchentities/, but it appear to be inefficient until I
reach the full name... Is there already a way to query such an
"autocomplete API" or any plans to implement one? Or even better, is
there a way to easily re-use the wikidata search field widget? in a
non-PHP project? :D

Any clue welcome :)

Best regards,



Maxime Lathuilière
maxlath.eu <http://maxlath.eu>
Zorglub27 <https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/User:Zorglub27>
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