On 08.09.2014 14:53, Markus Krötzsch wrote:

 > http://tools.wmflabs.org/wikidata-exports/miga/#_item=1204

That first shows "population". When then clicking on the link, you see
the data type is quantity, not string.

Yes, I think this is a bug in how we use IRIs and labels for datatypes.
The main id now is the label, but the properties all use the IRI to
refer to the datatype. Seems that this does not work properly in Miga. I
will try to make a version with the labels used everywhere.

Ok, fixed in the code and on the Web (requires reload). The only bug we still have is that the recent Monolingual Text datatype is not known yet. It appears as "Unknown" in properties. Will be fixed when we have it in the parser.


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