> There is no stable release of the Wikibase Query functionality yet, and even
> in the development branch, the feature set is far short of what I guess you
> want to use.

If I can make a simple query on a single property to narrow down the list of
items to something useful, I can use the Wikidata API plus processing within
my own software to query things further.  That with a healthy amount of
caching so that performance isn't awful, should mean that I require only
minimal functionality.

I just need to be able to do something like:

SELECT `qid` FROM Wikibase WHERE `Instance Of` = 'Elephant';

Using that list and the Wikibase API, I can do processing on my own of the
returned data and take it from there.

> One thing that is not entirely clear to me is if you want to
> query data from Wikidata.org, or from your own Wikibase Repository instance.

My own Wikibase Repository instance.  I believe that I can use
https://wdq.wmflabs.org/ plus the API to query from Wikidata if I need to.

> In any case, have you considered Semantic MediaWiki for your use case?
> http://semantic-mediawiki.org/

Yes.  I believe that Wikibase fits the use requirements a little bit better.

>> Any help would be appreciated, it looks like Wikibase documentation for
>> reusers is not terribly great yet.
> Indeed. We have essentially no user documentation on the features of the
> software that is not specific to Wikidata.org. Then again, we also do not
> have stable releases or usable release notes for our main applications
> (Wikibase Repository and Wikibase Client) suitable for third party users. I
> hope we can improve these things in the near future, though one has to hold
> into account that third party users are not amongst the first priorities of
> the main developer of the Wikibase software, the Wikidata team.

Certainly!  I wasn't expecting there to be much out there and I completely
understand that the priorities of the team are with Wikidata and not with
Third Party reuse.

If I can figure out how to get everything installed and running, I'd be more
than happy to write up a how-to so that other third party reusers will have
an easier time in the future.

Thank you,
Derric Atzrott

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