
I am wondering how errors and warnings are reported through the API, and which errors and warnings are possible. There is some documentation on Wikidata errors [1], but I could not find documentation on how the warning messages are communicated in JSON. I have seen structures like this:

{ "warnings" :
"html": { "*":"Your edit was patched into the latest version, overriding some of your own intermediate changes."}

I don't know how to provoke more warnings, or multiple warnings in one request, so I found it hard to guess how this pattern generalises. Some questions:

* What is the purpose of the map with the "*" key? Which other keys but "*" could this map have? * The key "wbeditentity" points to a list. Is this supposed to encode multiple warnings of this type? * I guess the "name" is a message name, and "parameters" are message "arguments" (as they are called in action="query") for the message? * Is this the JSON pattern used in all warnings or can there also be other responses from wbeditentity? * Is this the JSON pattern used for warnings in all Wikibase actions or can there also be other responses from other actions?
* Is there a list of relevant warning codes anywhere?
* Is there a list of relevant error codes anywhere? The docs in [1] point to paraminfo (e.g., http://www.wikidata.org/w/api.php?action=paraminfo&modules=wbeditentity) but there are no errors mentioned there.



[1] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikibase/API#Errors

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