
We are seeing more use of the Wikidata Query Service by Wikimedia
projects. Which is excellent news, but somewhat worse news is that the
maintainers of WDQS do not have a good idea what these services are,
what they needs are and so on. So, we have decided we want to start
tracking internal uses of Wikidata Query Service.

To that point, if you run any functionality on Wikimedia sites
(Wikipedias, Wikidata, etc., anything with wikimedia domain) that uses
queries to the Wikidata Query Service, please go to:
and add your project there. That is both if your project runs queries by
itself on the background, or if it uses queries as part of user
interaction scenario.

We do not include labs tools currently unless it is absolutely vital
infrastructure (i.e. if it went down, would it substantially degrade the
main site functionality or make some features unusable?) If you still
feel we should know about certain lab tool, please leave a note on the
talk page.

What's in it for you?

We want to know these in order to better understand the scope of
internal usage and as preparation for T178492 (creating internal WDQS
setup) - with the goal to provide internal users more robust and more
flexible service. Also we want it to ensure we do not break anything
important when we do maintenance, and we know who to talk to if some
queries do not work as expected and we want to fix it.

What we want to know?

- We'd like to have general description of the functionality (i.e., what
the service is for)
- How to recognize queries run by it - user agent? source host? specific
query pattern? some other mark? It is recommended that it would be
possible to recognize
- What kind of queries it runs (no need to list every possible one of
course but if there are typical cases it'd help to see it)?
- How often the queries run - if it's periodic, or what is
expected/statistical usage of the tool if it's user driven tool?
- Where could we see the code at the base of it and who maintains it?
- Feel free to add any other information about anything you think would
be useful for us to know.

What was that page again?


Thanks in advance,
Stas Malyshev

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