
as some of you might know I wrote several tools for Wikidata, most recently:
MachtSinn[1] – a tool to generate Senses for Lexemes from wikidata-items
LexData[2] – a small python library to allow for easy editing of Lexemes

Those two got more appreciation than I would have expected. That’s
great, but it also means more bug-reports, more feature wishes and more
Pull Requests. I currently write my thesis and therefore cannot put much
time into these projects.
At the same time I feel bad letting these projects unmaintained for the
next three months and disappointing enthusiastic users.
Therefore I’m looking for people who would be interested in contributing
and co-maintaining these projects. It’s python code with a javascript
frontend for MachtSinn. If you are interested, write me a mail or create
an issue on github.


[1] https://tools.wmflabs.org/machtsinn/
[2] https://github.com/Nudin/LexData

Michael F. Schönitzer
Henrik-Ibsen-Str. 2
80638 München
Mail: mich...@schoenitzer.de
Jabber: schoenit...@jabber.ccc.de
Tel: 089/37918949 - Mobil: 017657895702

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