On 24/10/2015 00:50, Stas Malyshev wrote:

least one Wikipedia) are considered to refer to equivalent classes on
Wikidata, which could be expressed by a small subclass-of cycle. For

We can do it, but I'd rather we didn't. The reason is that it would
require engine that queries such data (e.g. SPARQL engine) to be
comfortable with cycles in property paths (especially ones with + and
*), and not every one is (Blazegraph for example looks like does not
handle them out of the box). It can be dealt with, I assume, but why
create trouble for ourselves?

It should be a basic requirement of any SPARQL engine that it should be able to handle path queries that contain cycles.

For example, consider equivalence relationships like P460 "said to be the same as", which is being used to link given names together.

If we want to find all the names in a particular equivalence class, and eg rank them by their incidence count, as is done in the 'query' columns at

then being able to handle cycles in path queries is a basic requirement for the job.

   -- James.

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