Lydia Pintscher, 18/02/2016 15:59:
Thomas, Denny, Sebastian, Thomas, and I have published a paper which was
accepted for the industry track at WWW 2016. It covers the migration
from Freebase to Wikidata. You can now read it here:


> Concluding, in a fairly short amount of time, we have been
> able to provide the Wikidata community with more than
> 14 million new Wikidata statements using a customizable

I must admit that, despite knowing the context, I wasn't able to understand whether this is the number of "mapped"/"translated" statements or the number of statements actually added via the primary sources tool. I assume the latter given paragraph 5.3:

> after removing dupli
> cates and facts already contained in Wikidata, we obtain
> 14 million new statements. If all these statements were
> added to Wikidata, we would see a 21% increase of the num-
> ber of statements in Wikidata.


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