You need something like this:

SELECT DISTINCT ?propLabel ?prop ?value
   VALUES ?geneID {"672"}
   ?gene wdt:P351 ?geneID ;
     ?prop ?value .
   ?p wikibase:directClaim ?prop .
   ?p rdfs:label ?propLabel FILTER (lang(?propLabel) = "en").


Essentially the issue is that the labels are only connected to the representation of the property in the wd: namespace, not the special "truthy" wdt: namespace version of the property.

So you have to connect one to the other (wikibase:directClaim), and then get the label from the wd: version.

Note that there can be a problem with this with the query optimiser for larger queries, because with only about 2500 properties, it can think that ?p wikibase:directClaim ?prop is the most economical place to start (if your other statements would all generate solution sets of more than 2500 triples).

You would generally need to over-rule such behaviour by specifying
   hint:Query hint:optimizer "None"
and then carefully making sure that the query is specified in a sensible order.

It's not a problem here, because you're only looking up one gene, but if you had more than 2500 hits for part of your query, then the issue can kick in.

Hope this helps,


On 18/04/2016 11:10, Andra Waagmeester wrote:
SELECT DISTINCT ?propLabel ?prop ?value
    VALUES ?geneID {"672"}
    ?gene wdt:P351 ?geneID ;
      ?prop ?value .
    ?prop rdfs:label ?propLabel .

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