On Sun, Apr 24, 2016 at 1:15 PM, Raphaël Troncy
<raphael.tro...@eurecom.fr> wrote:
>> Good news blog post:
>> https://blog.wikimedia.org/2016/04/22/ted-wikimedia-collaboration/
> Great news! I didn't know neither that Wikidata has unique identifiers for
> so many TED talks.
> FYI, my group has worked 18 months ago on a prototype we called HyperTED.
> You can read about it at
> http://linkedup-project.eu/2014/10/14/vici-shortlist-hyperted/. There is
> also a presentation at
> http://www.slideshare.net/JosLuisRedondoGarca/hyperted-40494120. And you can
> play directly with the HyperTED prototype at
> http://linkedtv.eurecom.fr/HyperTED/
> In a nutshell, we used the TED talk metadata (subtitles divided into
> paragraphs) in order to provide chapters to TED talks. We have annotated
> them automatically using named entity recognition and disambiguation tools
> and topic detection algorithms. Hence, entities are disambiguated to dbpedia
> (but this could also be wikidata entities). Finally, we have developed an
> algorithm that detects hot spots in TED talks (read the scientific paper at
> http://www.eurecom.fr/~troncy/Publications/Redondo_Troncy-iswc14.pdf).
> Ultimately, as soon you watch chapters of TED talks, we are recommending you
> other chapters of other TED talks that may be related (because of common
> entities and topics). Instead of being a traditional recommender system that
> suggests you other TED talks, we perform recommendation at the  fragment
> level.
> We are eager to receive any feedback. Be gentle with the demo, we are aware
> of some bugs and limitations.
> Best regards.

oh, that one is very interesting. just to add, offline is creating TED
contents for over a year now:
the content is avialable for download here, search for "TED":


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