I have been hoping to do more events that are focused on creating, editing
and using Wikidata queries SPARQL (https://query.wikidata.org/). Slowly but
surely we are seeing edits to Wikidata at editathons here in New York City,
where we do a lot of editathons, but it's really not happening on a
consistent level of engagement.

I think to have a good Wikidata editathon, it would be necessary to make
sure there were multiple training sessions and a very specific task list /
scope of event. Probably the editathon -- and specifically conference
settings -- are somewhat non-ideal to what needs to be more of a focused
hackathon. At least this is my impression.

I would love to do an editathon with librarians to add and/or update
Authority control elements to Wikipedia / Wikidata. That would be very
rewarding, I think.

If there are suggestions to support and encourage events focused on
Wikidata, I am very interested to hear ideas.

- Erika

*Erika Herzog*
Wikipedia *User:BrillLyle <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:BrillLyle>*

On Mon, Aug 22, 2016 at 1:58 AM, Tobias Schönberg <tobias47...@gmail.com>

> Hi Loic!
> That is of course unfortunate that it didn't work as planned. Maybe if we
> can get more people signed up for Wikiprojects it would make it easier to
> get more specialised sessions organised. Or even plan separate events.
> Especially for free software it might also make sense to have a workshop
> and booth at open source conferences. The data from Wikidata could be very
> useful for example to the freedesktop initiative, so there would be a lot
> of synergies.
> -tobias
> Am 21.08.2016 7:07 nachm. schrieb "Loic Dachary" <l...@dachary.org>
>> When the audience was asked for their preferences, I raised my hand and
>> happily declared "Contributing to the Software and FLOSS projects !". Much
>> to my surprise this was quickly dismissed: "we're only going to learn about
>> tools, we create groups to use and learn about tools, not to work on a
>> specific project". My interest for the Software project is known to both
>> Harmonia Amanda and Ash_Crow, to the extent that I discussed with them my
>> intent to recruit people to participate in the workshop for that particular
>> topic[3], well in advance. The focus of our interest was also made clear in
>> the participant list[4].
>> [3] 15 july 2016 <dachary> Ash_Crow: pour https://meta.wikimedia.org/wik
>> i/WikiConvention_francophone/2016/Programme/Atelier_de_
>> formation_%C3%A0_Wikidata nous serons au moins trois avec pour centre
>> d'intérêt https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:WikiProject_Informati
>> cs/FLOSS et https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:WikiProject_Informati
>> cs/Software . J'espère convaincre deux autres personnes mais c'est pas
>> gagné ... l'attrait des vacances...
>> [4] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/WikiConvention_francophone/
>> 2016/Programme/Atelier_de_formation_%C3%A0_Wikidata#
>> Participants_int.C3.A9ress.C3.A9s_.28inscrivez-vous_ci-
>> dessous_et_posez_d.C3.A8s_.C3.A0_pr.C3.A9sent_vos_questions_
>> .C3.A0_l.27organisateur_de_la_session.29
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