Would it help if I add the following header to every large batch of queries?

# access: (http://query.wikidata.org or
https://query.wikidata.org/bigdata/namespace/wdq/sparql?query={SPARQL} .)
# contact: email, acountname, twittername etc
# bot: True/False
# .........

On Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 4:00 PM, Markus Kroetzsch <
markus.kroetz...@tu-dresden.de> wrote:

> Dear SPARQL users,
> We are starting a research project to investigate the use of the Wikidata
> SPARQL Query Service, with the goal to gain insights that may help to
> improve Wikidata and the query service [1]. Currently, we are still waiting
> for all data to become available. Meanwhile, we would like to ask for your
> input.
> Preliminary analyses show that the use of the SPARQL query service varies
> greatly over time, presumably because power users and software tools are
> running large numbers of queries. For a meaningful analysis, we would like
> to understand such high-impact biases in the data. We therefore need your
> help:
> (1) Are you a SPARQL power user who sometimes runs large numbers of
> queries (over 10,000)? If so, please let us know how your queries might
> typically look so we can identify them in the logs.
> (2) Are you the developer of a tool that launches SPARQL queries? If so,
> then please let us know if there is any way to identify your queries.
> If (1) or (2) applies to you, then it would be good if you could include
> an identifying comment into your SPARQL queries in the future, to make it
> easier to recognise them. In return, this would enable us to provide you
> with statistics on the usage of your tool [2].
> Further feedback is welcome.
> Cheers,
> Markus
> [1] https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Research:Understanding_Wikid
> ata_Queries
> [2] Pending permission by the WMF. Like all Wikimedia usage data, the
> query logs are under strict privacy protection, so we will need to get
> clearance before sharing any findings with the public. We hope, however,
> that there won't be any reservations against publishing non-identifying
> information.
> --
> Prof. Dr. Markus Kroetzsch
> Knowledge-Based Systems Group
> Faculty of Computer Science
> TU Dresden
> +49 351 463 38486
> https://iccl.inf.tu-dresden.de/web/KBS/en
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