Hi Simon,

On 15-11-16 09:51, Simon Razniewski wrote:
It can be enabled by adding the following line to your /common.js/:
  /importScript( 'User:Ls1g/recoin-core.js' );/
Why don't you turn it into a gadget before promoting it? That would lower the barrier a lot for people just wanting to try out your new cool tool. Maybe creating a gadget seems to be too complicated or cumbersome? An overview of the current gadgets are at https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Special:Gadgets

I was about to create a gadget out of it when I noticed the line https://tadaqua.inf.unibz.it/api/getmissingattributes.php in https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/User:Ls1g/recoin-core.js . I'm pretty sure grabbing data from a third party domain is a violation of the WMF privacy policy, because the owner of the domain tadaqua.inf.unibz.it is able to track users who enable this script. Not sure. Someone WMF legal could probably confirm this. Probably best to move it to http://tools.wmflabs.org/ .


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