Indeed in many cases a translation is needed, but for some languages and
specific types of entities what is needed is just a transcription if not
just a copy from the original language. For example names of humans or
settlements. I guess for some languages with the same script, one can just
copy the label, f.e. for a british person from en to fr.

Konstantinos Stampoulis

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2017-02-19 18:16 GMT+02:00 Smolenski Nikola <>:

> Citiranje Romaine Wiki <>:
> > If you look in the recent changes, most items have labels in English and
> > those are shown in the recent changes and elsewhere (so we know what the
> > item is about without opening first). But not all items have labels, and
> > these items without English label are often items with only a label in
> > Chinese, Arabic, Cyrillic script, Hebrew, etc. This forms a significant
> gap.
> >
> > Is there a way to easily make a transcription from one language to
> another?
> > Or alternatively if there is a database that has such transcriptions?
> There is in many cases, however there are some problems associated with
> it. You
> may not know what is the original language to transcribe from, you might
> need a
> translation rather than transcription, if there are multiple labels you
> have no
> way to choose between them.
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