I'm not sure but VIAF does tie publications to the creators -- it's in the
middle of the VIAF entry. Maybe that's what Gerard is talking about?

- Erika

*Erika Herzog*
Wikipedia *User:BrillLyle <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:BrillLyle>*

On Sat, Apr 1, 2017 at 6:26 AM, raffaele messuti <raffa...@docuver.se>

> On 01/04/17 11:31, Gerard Meijssen wrote:
> > Next week an API will become available at Open Library that provides
> > their available books for an author based on their identifier.
> great!
> > What I have asked the OL is to provide their identifier per author,
> > combined with the ISBN for an author.
> what do you mean for "ISBN for an author"?
> maybe you might be interested in this simple api wrapper[1] i made few
> months ago. it combines OCLC Classify API[2] and the wikidata sparql to
> get authors (and their viaf and wikidata id) from a book's ISBN.
> example:
> Concrete Island, JG Ballard
> https://www.worldcat.org/title/concrete-island/oclc/934107293
> ISBN-13 9780007287048
> $ curl https://isbn-authors.herokuapp.com/api/v1/authors/9780007287048
> [
>   {
>     "name": "Ballard, J. G., 1930-2009",
>     "viaf": "9842556",
>     "wikidata_id": "Q140201"
>   }
> ]
> (note: the example api is hosted on heroku free tier, and is quite slow)
> --
> raffa...@docuver.se
> [1] https://github.com/atomotic/isbn-authors
> [2] http://classify.oclc.org/classify2/api_docs/index.html
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