On 18 May 2017 at 10:13, Andra Waagmeester <an...@micelio.be> wrote:

> Using P1921 will not always work. Especially in the case where resources use
> opaque identifiers either as internal identifiers and/or IRI's, making the
> transformation between the two impossible.
> Also having to rely on P1921 to run for example federated queries leads to
> complex query patterns. You always have to include an additional step where
> the IRIs are calculated on the fly.

Then all you have to do is persuade the community to drop the use of
external IDs and formatter URLs and move to storing full URIs.

I'm ambivalent as to which is the ideal solution; but using both,
inconsistently, and on an arbitrary basis, is certainly not it.

Andy Mabbett

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