Hello everyone,

I'd like to ask if Wikidata could please offer a HDT [1] dump along with the 
already available Turtle dump [2]. HDT is a binary format to store RDF data, 
which is pretty useful because it can be queried from command line, it can be 
used as a Jena/Fuseki source, and it also uses orders-of-magnitude less space 
to store the same data. The problem is that it's very impractical to generate a 
HDT, because the current implementation requires a lot of RAM processing to 
convert a file. For Wikidata it will probably require a machine with 100-200GB 
of RAM. This is unfeasible for me because I don't have such a machine, but if 
you guys have one to share, I can help setup the rdf2hdt software required to 
convert Wikidata Turtle to HDT.

Thank you.

[1] http://www.rdfhdt.org/
[2] https://dumps.wikimedia.org/wikidatawiki/entities/

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