
> you should read your own emails. In fact it is quite easy to join the
> LOD cloud diagram.
> The most important step is to follow the instructions on the page:
> http://lod-cloud.net under how to contribute and then add the metadata.

I may not be reading it right or misunderstanding something, but I tried
to locate up-to-date working instructions for doing this a few times and
it always ended up going nowhere - the instructions turned out to be out
of date, or new process not working yet, or something else. It would be
very nice and very helpful if you could point out specifically where on
that page are step-by-step instructions which could be followed and
result in resolving this issue?

> Do you really think John McCrae added a line in the code that says "if
> (dataset==wikidata) skip; " ?

I don't think anybody thinks that. And I think most of people there
think it would be nice to have Wikidata added to LOD. It sounds like you
know how to do it, could you please share more specific information
about it?

> You just need to add it like everybody else in LOD, DBpedia also created
> its entry and updates it now and then. The same accounts for
> http://lov.okfn.org  Somebody from Wikidata needs to upload the Wikidata
> properties as OWL.  If nobody does it, it will not be in there.

Could you share more information about lov.okfn.org? Going there
produces 502, and it's not mentioned anywhere on lod-cloud.net. Where it
is documented and what is exactly the process and what you mean by
"upload the Wikidata properties as OWL"? More detailed information would
be hugely helpful.

Thanks in advance,
Stas Malyshev

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