>Is there a JAVA API to the Wikidata Query Service interface?

- go https://query.wikidata.org
- select any example ( cats? )   +  "Execute query"
- select the *"</> Code"*    - and select *"Java" *-> and check the
generated Java code

> Can SPARQL be used to query a dump of Wikidata?

maybe you can setup your own SPARQL service ( check http://wikiba.se/  )

> How to best make such queries (information search) in terms of query
response time?

for my use case - ( Geodata matching ) I have loaded the data to my
* I have downloaded  wikidata JSON dump (

  * https://dumps.wikimedia.org/wikidatawiki/entities/
* Filtered the JSON
* And loaded only the relevant elements to the Postgres/PostGIS database.

or you can load to CouchDB
( or you can check the other tools here:
https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Tools/For_programmers )

but my use case is very special.


Raveesh Meena <rave...@csc.kth.se> ezt írta (időpont: 2019. jan. 24., Cs,

> Hi,
> I have a set of specific querie that my programme shoukd make to Wikidata.
> How to best make such queries (information search) in terms of query
> response time?
> One approach that I am familar is to use APIs, such as Wikidata Toolkit
> API <https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikidata_Toolkit>, to query documents
> in Wiki and parse each document (and perhaps follow hyperlinks) for
> obtaining the specific feature values. I have tested this, but the queries
> could take seconds. Now there could be many factors responsible for this
> such as internet connection, the scheme for parsing wikidata graph, etc.
> Another approach would be to use the Wikidata Query Service
> <https://query.wikidata.org/> and SPARQL queries. This is also slow
> sometimes.
> My questions:
>    - Are there benchmarks on response time performance of Wikidata Query
>    Service <https://query.wikidata.org/> SPARQL queries?
>    - Is there a JAVA API to the Wikidata Query Service
>    <https://query.wikidata.org/> interface?
>    - Can SPARQL be used to query a dump of Wikidata?
> Thanks and regards
> Raveesh
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