Hello all,

In March
we told you that we want to make the beta feature providing suggestions
based on constraints to all users. Some of you gave us feedback and pinged
us about unresolved issues (thank you for that!). These issues are now

   - the order of suggestions in the case of a property having a one-of
   constraint now matches exactly the order of the constraint (phab:T220587
   - the results appearing in the drop-down menus are now links: you can
   open them in another tab (phab:T207363

We're now ready to enable the suggestions based on constraints for all
users (including non-logged-in users). It will take place next week, on
April 24th. The beta feature will still be available during a few days (in
case something goes wrong and the deployment train is rollbacked, for
example), but if everything works well and no major issue is reported, we
will disable the beta feature one week after the deployment.

You can see more information about the feature on the documentation page
Please note that the feature is not preventing users to add any item they
want as a value, you can still type in and choose the item you want, but it
is making more useful suggestions, based on criteria defined by the
community with the constraints, and hopefully reducing the number of
mistakes and improving the user experience when adding new statements.

If you have any question or issue, feel free to write me.
Léa Lacroix
Project Manager Community Communication for Wikidata

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