On Tue, Dec 17, 2019 at 7:16 PM Aidan Hogan <aid...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey all,
> As someone who likes to use Wikidata in their research, and likes to
> give students projects relating to Wikidata, I am finding it more and
> more difficult to (recommend to) work with recent versions of Wikidata
> due to the increasing dump sizes, where even the truthy version now
> costs considerable time and machine resources to process and handle. In
> some cases we just grin and bear the costs, while in other cases we
> apply an ad hoc sampling to be able to play around with the data and try
> things quickly.
> More generally, I think the growing data volumes might inadvertently
> scare people off taking the dumps and using them in their research.
> One idea we had recently to reduce the data size for a student project
> while keeping the most notable parts of Wikidata was to only keep claims
> that involve an item linked to Wikipedia; in other words, if the
> statement involves a Q item (in the "subject" or "object") not linked to
> Wikipedia, the statement is removed.
> I wonder would it be possible for Wikidata to provide such a dump to
> download (e.g., in RDF) for people who prefer to work with a more
> concise sub-graph that still maintains the most "notable" parts? While
> of course one could compute this from the full-dump locally, making such
> a version available as a dump directly would save clients some
> resources, potentially encourage more research using/on Wikidata, and
> having such a version "rubber-stamped" by Wikidata would also help to
> justify the use of such a dataset for research purposes.
> ... just an idea I thought I would float out there. Perhaps there is
> another (better) way to define a concise dump.
> Best,
> Aidan

Hi Aiden,

That the dumps are becoming too big is an issue I've heard a number of
times now. It's something we need to tackle. My biggest issue is
deciding how to slice and dice it though in a way that works for many
use cases. We have https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T46581 to
brainstorm about that and figure it out. Input from several people
very welcome. I also added a link to Benno's tool there.
As for the specific suggestion: I fear relying on the existence of
sitelinks will kick out a lot of important things you would care about
like professions so I'm not sure that's a good thing to offer
officially for a larger audience.


Lydia Pintscher - http://about.me/lydia.pintscher
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