Hey Yaron,
comments inline.

On Thu, Sep 24, 2020 at 3:15 PM Yaron Koren <ya...@wikiworks.com> wrote:
> - I agree that it would be great to have autocompletion within the "select 
> class" input. Similarly, I agree that it would be great to have free text 
> inputs to let users specify arbitrary values when choosing filters and filter 
> values, again with autocompletion, in the style of your VizQuery tool. These 
> wouldn't replace the current interface, which just involves clicking, but I 
> think they would be a nice complement to it. We didn't implement any 
> autocompletion, in part because we didn't know how to do it, so it might be 
> nice to steal some of your SDSearch code for that purpose.
You could make a combination of a Vue autosuggest component (i would
suggest vue-simple-suggest) and the wbsearchentities API method to get
the suggestions.

> - It's true that queries can take a long time, especially for the classes 
> with millions of items (like "human") and especially before a lot of filters 
> have been applied. Using the API could be nice, if that works faster - I 
> didn't know that was an option. Getting the Q code first, then the label, 
> could also help with another big "to-do" item, which is being able to display 
> items that don't have a label in the current language. Right now, the 
> language is always English, and most Wikidata items do seem to have an 
> English-language label, but there are still a lot of gaps. For example, there 
> are 22,000 items whose class is "literary work" and whose genre is "Tang 
> poetry", but only 20 (!) of them at the moment have an English-language label:
> https://wikidatawalkabout.org/?c=Q7725634&f.P7937=Q482&f.P136=Q3236984
> And, as I'm sure you know, the overall labelling coverage is much worse for 
> all non-English languages. It would be great to get the item code first, then 
> display the item in whatever language label is set for it.
Yes, this is always a bit of an issue. Also, it's nice to offer the
interface in multiple languages (try
https://tooltranslate.toolforge.org/ for that), so you could use that
as the preferred label language, and then fetch other languages as
well as a fallback.

> That's also good to know about your "Tools Directory"! A pretty neat 
> resource. We'll work on getting Wikidata Walkabout registered there.

Kind regards,
-- Hay

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