
As WikidataCon 2021
<https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:WikidataCon_2021> approaches, Wiki
Movimento Brasil <https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Wiki_Movimento_Brasil> is
organizing *Transbordados*
a preconference that will address* Wikidata and decoloniality, knowledge
organization and digital dissemination of collections in Latin America
contexts*, in partnership with Goethe-Institut São Paulo. There will be
three sessions with wikimedians and experts broadcasted live on *September
14, 21 and 28, always at 21h UTC*, with simultaneous translation for
Portuguese and Spanish, via YouTube <https://www.youtube.com/c/wmnobrasil>

The goal of *Transbordados* is to outreach Wikidata potentialities for
Latin America, especially to GLAM institutions, universities, free
knowledge organizations and local wikimedians. Join us!

   - *14/09* - *Towards a decolonial wiki: overflowing knowledge from the
   Latin American horizon*

Speakers: Amanda Jurno (Wiki Movimento Brasil), Bianca Santana (journalist,
writer and activist) and Silvia Gutiérrez (El Colegio de México) - watch it
in PT-BR <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2hdKG4t3Ww> / ES

   - *21/09* - *The universe of libraries: Wikidata and the multiplication
   of knowledge potencies*

Speakers: Lilian Viana (GLAM das Bibliotecas da USP) and Maurício Genta
(Wikimedia Argentina e Biblioteca Nacional da Argentina) - watch it in PT-BR
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q45sstDdjC0> / ES

   - *28/09* - *Digital collections and Wikidata: organizing a network of

Speakers: Evelin Heidel (a.k.a. Scann; Wikimedistas do Uruguai) and Karen
Worcman (Museu da Pessoa) - watch it in PT-BR
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NoDrwWdTlmA> / ES

You can find some graphic materials on *Transbordados* available on Wikimedia
Commons here
Feel free to share it with your contacts!

WikidataCon is being organized this year by Wikimedia Deutschland and Wiki
Movimento Brasil with the theme *"a sustainable future for Wikidata"
which will include discussions around the project's technical
infrastructure, data quality, community health and diversity. Besides the
program of the conference, the partnership between the affiliates is
working on making this remote conference as meaningful as possible for the
Wikidata ecosystem, especially for those participants who usually wouldn't
be able to attend the conference in person. *Transbordados* is one of the
actions designed under this scope to better understand and envision
possible paths for the empowered performance of historically marginalized
communities in the Wikidata ecosystem. Besides the preconference, the
organization team is also working on a grant for Latin American and
Caribbean Affiliates
and on the project Reimagining Wikidata from the margins
And don't forget to check out the program of the first day
of WikidataCon!

Cheers from São Paulo,

*Érica Azzellini | User:EAzzellini (WMB)*
*Communications Manager | **Wiki Movimento Brasil*
*wmnobrasil.org <http://wmnobrasil.org/>*
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