I would love to see a technical reflection on how this went + what it
means, once complete!   SJ

On Mon, Oct 11, 2021 at 11:19 AM Mike Pham <mp...@wikimedia.org> wrote:

> Hi all,
> This is a reminder that the WMF Search team will begin data transfer for
> the new Streaming Updater today (11 Oct).
> During the anticipated 7 days this data transfer process will happen
> (11–18 Oct), it is possible that some users will see inconsistent behavior
> or other bugs while querying. While we encourage these bugs to be filed,
> please note that it may be difficult for the Search team to accurately
> diagnose the source of these errors due to the nature of the process. We
> hope for a seamless transfer, of course, in which users will not notice any
> errors during the switchover.
> Thanks for your patience!
> Best,
> Mike
> —
> *Mike Pham* (he/him)
> Sr Product Manager, Search
> Wikimedia Foundation <https://wikimediafoundation.org/>
> On 16September, 2021 at 13:04:01, Mike Pham (mp...@wikimedia.org) wrote:
> Hello all,
> Thank you again for your all recent thoughts and feedback with regard to
> the recent Wikidata: Query Service (WDQS) scaling update Aug 2021
> <https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Query_Service_scaling_update_Aug_2021>,
> and for everyone who has responded to the WDQS user survey
> <https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Project_chat/Archive/2021/08#Wikidata_Query_Service_%28WDQS%29_User_Survey_2021>.
> As part of our ongoing work to scale WDQS, we will begin shipping the new
> Flink-based Streaming Updater from test servers to production on 11 October
> 2021, with the entire data transfer process expected to finish by 18
> October 2021.
> The primary goal of this new Streaming Updater is to reduce update lag,
> and throttling, of edits to Wikidata: going from an average of 10
> edits/second to an average of 88 edits/second. We are excited that this is
> almost a 9x improvement in our ability to make sure that Wikidata Query
> Service has the freshest updates from Wikidata, a priority that many of you
> ranked highly in the recent survey. Additionally, the new update process
> will lessen the impact on Blazegraph itself by moving diff reconciliation
> away from the service. This update process will be more stable as a result,
> with more use cases like un/deletes handled correctly.
> In order to minimize risks of failure during the rollout of the Streaming
> Updater, we will be moving individual servers over one at a time. During
> the anticipated 7 days this data transfer process will happen (11-18 Oct),
> it is possible that some users will see inconsistent behavior or other bugs
> while querying. While we encourage these bugs to be filed, please note that
> it may be difficult for the Search team to accurately diagnose the source
> of these errors due to the nature of the process. We hope for a seamless
> transfer, of course, in which users will not notice any errors during the
> switchover.
> We previously announced the new Streaming Updater being released to test
> servers in March 2021
> <https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Project_chat/Archive/2021/03#New_WDQS_Streaming_Updater_now_available_on_pre-production_test_server_for_feedback>;
> the changes announced there will now be effective for all WDQS users
> effective 18 Oct 2021.
> The changes that allow the new Streaming Updater to reduce update lag
> comes with two notable changes, which have the potential to break current
> usage and workflows:
>    1.
>    Blank nodes in Wikidata have been skolemized
> <https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikidata_Query_Service/Blank_Node_Skolemization>.
>    From a user perspective, (1) queries using isBlank() will need to be
>    rewritten; (2) queries using isIRI/isURI will need to be verified; (3)
>    WDQS results will no longer include blank nodes.
>    2.
>    Constraint Fetching -- specifically wikibase:hasViolationForConstraint
>    -- will be temporarily disabled until we are able to expose constraint
>    violations in a more production-ready way
>    <https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T192565>.
> For more details on these changes, please refer again to our prior
> announcement
> <https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Project_chat/Archive/2021/03#New_WDQS_Streaming_Updater_now_available_on_pre-production_test_server_for_feedback>
> .
> We find it encouraging that the new Streaming Updater has not caused major
> relevant issues in the last six months while it has been on
> https://query-preview.wikidata.org/. We understand these changes may not
> be optimal for everyone. However, we believe the ability to greatly reduce
> Wikidata’s edit lag will be a beneficial improvement for all editors.
> We’re excited to ship the new Flink-based Streaming Updater to production,
> and believe this is a significant step in scaling Wikidata and WDQS. As
> always, we encourage you to report technical problems
> <https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Report_a_technical_problem/WDQS_and_Search#New_WDQS_Streaming_Updater_feedback>
> and/or leave general comments/feedback in Project Chat
> <https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Project_chat>.
> Best,
> WMF Search & WMDE
> —
> *Mike Pham* (he/him)
> Sr Product Manager, Search
> Wikimedia Foundation <https://wikimediafoundation.org/>
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