Interesting --

The clear collection works on my box. This might be a cross browser/OS
issue with javascript?

I'm using the latest Ubuntu GNU/Linux distro with the standard Firefox


On Feb 4, 12:39 pm, "Robert Kruhlak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi Erik,
>  See Help_talk:Collections for some notes.
> Also I have not been able to clear a collection, using the "Clear
> collections" link. I have to go back to the individual pages and
> remove them using the "remove article" link in the left hand sidebar.
> I will try some more tests over the next couple of days.
> Cheers
> Rob
> On Feb 5, 2008 9:08 AM, Erik Moeller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > All -
> > I'm going to make a bit of a push to move ahead to getting the
> > wiki-to-PDF technology deployed on Wikimedia projects.
> > With the latest version now running, what are the most critical bugs
> > you've encountered?
> > Thanks,
> > Erik
> > --
> > Erik Möller
> > Deputy Director, Wikimedia Foundation
> > Support Free Knowledge:
> --
> Robert Kruhlak
> Burnaby, BC
> (M) +1 778 230 1875
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