Yes, I see that point but think it totally unreasonable. For one, I have no
access to an OLPC because I'm within a wealthy nation. As I said in my post,
I have read about them, even seen them in use, even had a little test run a
few times, but it wasn't until actually in location did reality hit. 40
people, 2/3rds of whom had computing experience,  4 of whom at least as much
as me, 2 more so than me. Yet no one appreciated the OLPCs as far as I could

Seems to me that the OLPC should ship with a highly paid technician and
teacher trainer - just to make sure people agree with western teaching
ideals and know how to use eWaste properly.

On Wed, Dec 3, 2008 at 5:08 AM, Maria Droujkova <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The issue that bothered me in your letter, Leigh, was: "he never ran
> through a totally new hardware and software system before conducting a
> 40-person workshop abroad." It takes significant resources just to organize
> a workshop of that sort, counting time of everybody involved, travel, space
> and so on. With 20/20 hindsight, it would seem kinda important to give
> yourself "more" (to be determined how much, exactly) time to learn hardware
> and software people will be using, before running a workshop of that scope.
> I stepped into similar traps before, so by no means do I want to sound
> "righteous" about it. Still, this is something that bothered me in your
> letter: at least part of your frustration was self-inflicted through that
> planning issue. If you looked at the system these people will actually be
> using, ahead of time, maybe a few weeks earlier, you would have time to have
> some of your questions answered. It may not have been a possibility,
> though...
> Thinking way back to the hard time I had with figuring out the difference
> between the web address line and the web search line,
> MariaD
> On Tue, Dec 2, 2008 at 1:01 AM, Leigh Blackall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
>> Thanks for the pointers Jim.
>> Actually, I never did work it out... nor did 40 others!
>> I'm fending off attacks on my blog... I knew I'd hit a nerve with my post.
>> I can see how many people will dismiss my post as "couldn't get past my own
>> preferences", but that ignores the experience of the 40 others I spoke for,
>> 10 of whom had never used a computer before. I watched a few people look at
>> my Asus and could see their intuition working on it better than on the
>> OLPCs.
>> Leo, you got the text in this email thread right?
> >

Leigh Blackall
skype - leigh_blackall
SL - Leroy Goalpost

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