John raised the question:
"But I have a question. And this is addressed not just to you, but to
everyone. Why is it that educators -- the people whose job it is to teach
students about new technology and concepts -- do not want to learn the
technology themselves?
I am not taking a position on use, or ease of use, of technology, I am just
curious why this attitude exists. Thoughts?

The old saying went:
Them that can, do
Them that can't, teach
and them that can't teach, teach teachers

I have been an educator al my life.
In the widest sense of the word.
When I turned forty, my magical ability to learn languages disappeared
I have been steadily dropping in my learning abilities since I was three
In the eighties my fellow social scientists thought I was some sort of
a nerd (not a nice term then) because I was the only one of them with
an apple two clone and modem and able to use the university computer
from my home for grading, composing and so on.
Now I find it hard to keep up with all these educators using wikis and
other web .0 technology
So I am now in my mid sixties, retired and disabled.
Age might have something to do with it.
Perhaps I should put this together into another rant. . . . .

If the coach does the pushups,
The athlete will not get stronger
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