Greetings Open Colleagues:

As many of you know, Creative Commons (CC) is in the process of creating a
new version of its licenses - version 4.0. We have published a first draft
as a starting point (available at,
and we are in the process of getting feedback to create and publish a
second draft in June / July. The full versioning process will probably take
until the end of 2012. For more information about the 4.0 schedule, as well
as extensive information about the various issues being addressed and
debated, please visit our 4.0 wiki (
If you have not already, please also join the license discuss email list
where many of the issues are being debated (

We are hoping to receive as much input as possible from the OER community, and
while you are all are *most* welcome to participate in *any* part of the
4.0 discussion, CC would like your feedback on the following questions
about attribution in CC licenses.

Please send your feedback to me ( and Sarah
Pearson (


 In draft 1 of v.4, we tried to simplify the attribution and marking
requirements by putting them all into one section of the license in list
form. This is designed to make it easier for licensees to understand and
comply with their obligations.

Specifically, when sharing the work, licensees must provide the following
information when it is supplied by licensor:

   - Name of the author
   - Name of parties designed by licensor for attribution
   - Title of the work
   - Copyright notice
   - URI associated with the work
   - URI associated with the CC license
   - Notices, disclaimers, warranties referring to the CC license

*(1)* Is there any *other* information we should require licensees to
provide when fulfilling the attribution and marking requirements under CC
licenses? Alternatively, is there anything in this list that is unnecessary
for licensees to provide even when it is supplied by the licensor? Our goal
is to make the requirements extensive enough to satisfy licensors’ desire
to be attributed and recognized for their work without making the
obligations impractical.

*(2)* All of these requirements may be fulfilled in any reasonable manner
based on the medium the licensee is using to share the licensed work. This
flexibility is intended to help ease compliance with the license
conditions. Does the current language grant licensees too much flexibility?
Not enough? Is there anything else we should change to make it easier on
licensees that are remixing content from multiple sources – the so-called
“attribution stacking” problem?

*(3) *If the URI associated with the work refers to a resource that
specifies the name of the author (or attribution parties, if applicable)
and title of the work, licensees may include only the URI rather than
specifying that information separately. This is another attempt to make
compliance with the license conditions easier and more flexible without
compromising the needs and expectations of licensors. Is this shortcut
appropriate and/or helpful? If the URI points to a resource that includes
the other required information (e.g., the copyright notice), would it be
preferable to allow the URI shortcut to satisfy those other requirements as

*(4)* Some licensors have more detailed expectations for attribution of
their work. Should we make allowances for licensors who want to include
specific attribution requirements (e.g., a particular attribution
statement), or would this unnecessarily complicate license compliance? Note
that any particular requirements would need to be subject to the
reasonableness standard to be consistent with the explicit terms of the

*(5) *Another possibility is to change the language to a more general
requirement to acknowledge the author and cite the original work. We could
then include the current list of attribution and marking requirements as an
example of best practices rather than as a specific legal requirement. This
would potentially give licensees more freedom to adapt attribution to their
particular circumstances, while maintaining the spirit and purpose of the
requirements. Is this a proposal we should pursue? Why or why not?

We sincerely appreciate your feedback!



Cable Green, PhD
Director of Global Learning
Creative Commons

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