Greetings Open Friends:

Creative Commons (CC) has been working on a rewrite of its license chooser:  <>

There are a number of problems with the existing chooser than have caused
the rewrite.  The most notable problem is a common misconception that the
license chooser is a registration process - which it is not.

The new chooser approaches that problem with a different UI design. CC's
goal is for the license chooser to both be clear and simple, and to
function better as an educational tool.  For example, NC and ND are not
free culture licenses.  That is apparent in the new chooser via
interactivity, whereas it is not clear in the existing license chooser.

You can find the new license chooser on our staging

You can read more about the motivations behind this project

CC is hoping to replace the old license chooser with the new interactive
chooser in approximately two weeks.  The CC Technology team will be
iterating on the new chooser after it goes live, as there are additional
features desired but are out of the scope of the first iteration.
*If you have any suggestions for adjustments and/or features, please e-mail
Jonathan Palecek:

Please keep in mind that beyond design changes and interactivity, features
not already present in the old chooser are out of scope for implementation
in this first iteration on the new chooser. Suggestions for new features
will be logged and considered after this first iteration is launched.

Kudos to Jonathan Palecek and the entire CC Technology and Legal teams for
creating an improved and easier to use CC license chooser!

We are eager to hear your comments.

Most gratefully,



Cable Green, PhD
Director of Global Learning
Creative Commons

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